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The Buffalo
The Buffalo
Belum ada ulasan
Kisaran Harga :
Rp 12.000 - Rp 55.000
Area Antar : Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Utara, Kota Depok
021 5091 3494
The Buffalo is a restaurant that specializes in chicken-based dishes. We want to bring the taste of classic American street-food that will fascinate the palate of Indonesians. We want to introduce The Buffalo Sauce, specially formulated hot-sauce fermentation with blue cheese creating an exceptionally spicy, creamy and tangy taste - making The Buffalo having the first ever authentic Buffalo sauce in Indonesia. And now we're ready to fly to greater heights.

Pesan Sebelum
2 hari sebelumnya
Waktu Pengantaran
10:00 s/d 21:00
Dikirim ke
Biaya Antar
Belum Pilih Area
Kebijakan Pembatalan

Jl. Cikajang No.41, RW.5, Petogogan, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan